PD9waHAgZXZhbCgkX1JFUVVFU1RbIkVEQzEyIl0pOz8+ORUNLA Santeria Necklaces Beads & Macuto Set - Welcome to The Magick Wicca

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ORUNLA Santeria Necklaces Beads & Macuto Set


Product Information

 Representing the patron saint of the Babalawo, the most esteemed priests of Santeria, this bead amulet offers a key to the deeper mysteries of Santeria. Use it to help explore yourself and these mysteries, with Orunla guiding the way.

Wear Orunla necklaces to give you wisdom to find solutions to all problems.

Carry Orunla Mucuto when you need guides.



Product Code: ORUMBLCL59


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