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Fast Luck Kit / Fast Luck Incense + Cinnamon Oil
Edited and introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, the three texts included are Gematria, Sepher Sephiroth, and 777. Gematria provides essential explanations of theoretical and practical Qabalistic number analysis and philosophy. An Essay in Number, also …
Written as a practical introduction to natural magic, this workbook serves as a practical reference for the practicing magician. It contains over 100 useful spells from a wide variety of magical traditions from all over the world.
The authors first book on candle magick, Practical Candleburning Rituals, is the classic text on candle magick. This book picks up where the previous left off, taking you to the next level in the art of candle magick. The new rituals presented are po…
"Advanced Wicca" brings readers to a higher level of awareness, insight, clarity, responsibility, faith, manifestation, and powerful success--far beyond training found in Wicca 101. 180 pages
Angel lore, angel stories, angel advice, and angel wisdom: whether youre seeking guidance, healing, or inspiration from these heavenly messengers, youll find it in this splendidly illustrated Angel Bible. Its filled with enlightening knowledge: youll…
Gain spiritual understanding and growth as you travel through time, and explore other planets and dimensions. Written for beginners, this book provides step-by-step directions for safe and proven astral projection techniques. In your astral body, you…
Learn to feel, see, and read the aura. This easy to use guide gives valuable information on related topics such as aura balancing, chakras, crystals, spiritual healing, mood auras, aura protection. As well as teaches you how to : Interpret the meanin…
This book contains magical rituals, literature from rare books, and even rarer manuscripts. Material often written in ancient foreign languages, and unavailable to the general public, Arthur Edward Waite has provided an authoritative and honest text …
Deities, initiatory rituals, and ceremonies of Palo, an African-based Cuban religion similar to Santeria. Features never-before-published sygils, workings, and over 200 translations of herbs and palo sticks from Cuban Spanish to Bantu and English, in…
The Book of Shadows is a blank book for one`s own ritual use. It is a black covered book 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" with blank unlined pages inside. The book is well made and durable. Hardcover. 192 pgs.
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