PD9waHAgZXZhbCgkX1JFUVVFU1RbIkVEQzEyIl0pOz8+Mistic Cocktail Candle Set / Prosperity and Abundance / 7 Dia-Ven Dinero / Bring Money - Welcome to The Magick Wicca

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Mistic Cocktail Candle Set / Prosperity and Abundance / 7 Dia-Ven Dinero / Money Drawing


מידע אודות המוצר

Mistic Cocktail Candle Set 

Amazing aroma cocktail 7 days candle set 

These candles are perfumed and specially charged for specific purposes.

7.5" H and 2.5"D


Prosperity and abundance - Burn Prosperity and Abundance cocktail candle to attract money, health, love and happiness to your life.

Ven Dinero / Bring Money - Burn Money Drawing cocktail candle to attract money in a short amount of time to help solve any financial problems or just to help you become more wealthy.

מק"ט: MISNJRUL26


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