PD9waHAgZXZhbCgkX1JFUVVFU1RbIkVEQzEyIl0pOz8+7 Day-Glass Love Candles & Come to Me Oil Set - Welcome to The Magick Wicca

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7 Day-Glass Love Candles & Come to Me Oil Set


Product Information

7 Day-Glass 3 Candles & Oil set-Attraction/Come To Me/Hummingbirds/Dressing Oil

Attraction Candle- Create passion between you and your mate. Light Attraction Candle before your lover comes over and watch as the spark between you increases.  Attraction candle can also be used to clean your aura, making way for the natural magnetism of such things as money, success and happiness.
Come to Me Candle - Use to entice those with whom you wish to be close.
Hummingbird Candle - Burn Candle to enrich your life and relationship so that your lover will want only you and your relationship will be forever honest and true. Also used to removes all misfortune and bad luck from your life.
Come to Me oil - Use as candle dressing, anoint on your wrists, home... in many way. this oil is to attract sexual love. Very potent so use sparingly. Also, a wonderful drawing oil.

Product Code: 7 DU3YMD83


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