PD9waHAgZXZhbCgkX1JFUVVFU1RbIkVEQzEyIl0pOz8+Caliphs Beloved thru Drive Away Evil - Welcome to The Magick Wicca

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Caliphs Beloved thru Drive Away Evil

Caliphs Beloved thru Drive Away Evil
From the most ancient times the legends of the uses of perfumes and oils- their powers for love, health, peace and prosperity have been passed down to us. The mystical and spiritual influence of fragrant oils is recognized and acknowledged without question. Occult and psychic oils are used to anoint the body as a perfume, for dressing candles, an additive to baths, to attract favorable planetry vibrations, blessing objects, to repel bad influences, in purifying rooms and many more purposes. Our special oils are formulated by Miss Anna Riva to vibrate toward a specific objective. Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Caliphs Beloved thru Drive Away Evil Available in Quarter ounce, 4 ounce and 16 ounce sizes
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CEDAR OF LEBANON Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CEDAR OF LEBANON Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Use oil daily as a perfume to instill confidence in one's dealings.

CHERRY Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CHERRY Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Use Anna Riva Cherry oil 0.25 fl.oz. to bring you money in a hurry and good luck while you gamble. Oils can be used to dress candles, on your skin and in many rituals.

CHERRY BLOSSOM Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CHERRY BLOSSOM Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Wear as a perfume or add to the bath to cause one to become cheerful, light hearted and good humored.

CHINESE LUCK Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CHINESE LUCK Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY According to legend, those who use this scent will be rewarded with the five great blessings- happiness, health, virtue, peace and long life.

CHOCOLATE Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CHOCOLATE Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY An enticing oil which is designed to soften the hearts of all one's foes or opponents.

CHYPRE Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CHYPRE Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY A favorite among gamblers who use it for luck when playing and is highly regarded by business people who have contact with the public in their work. Rub some on your hands to bring great financial gains.

CINNAMON Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CINNAMON Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


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Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Add to floor wash for extra strength to bring good luck to the premises. Use in incense to magnify its power. Especially effective if added to Fast Luck Incense when you need extra fast action.

CITRONELLA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CITRONELLA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Attracts friends to the home and customers to a place of business when this pungent scent is added to the floor wash water.

CIVIT Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CIVIT Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY A musk like fragrance which has many uses: rub on the hands for protection, anoint the feet for spiritual enlightenment and apply to neck as a love perfume.

CLEOPATRA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

CLEOPATRA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


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Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY An exciting scent for lovers. Rub on the ear lobes, between the fingers and behind the knees. If a lover seems to be drifting away, a potent lover charm can be made by dressing 7 pink candles with this oil. Wri…

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