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Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting To bring quiet and tranquility into your life.
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting Draws luck and success in business deals and in gambling
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting Guard against jinxes, curses and the evil eye.
This is to be used when complete chaos seems to have surrounded you and there appears to be no solution to the problems with which you are faced. Turn evil back to the one who sent it.
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting Burn this incense, so evil spirits can not gain entry to your home or business
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting Burn to keep your job steady and secure.
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting Use to keep evil away.
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting To remove all types of hexes, curses and crossed conditions
Incense Powder 1 3/4 oz Self Lighting To get another person to do your bidding.
BENEDICTUM INCENSE POWDER MOTHER OF CHARITY Item #2012-596 1 3/4oz (49g) Tube, Self Lighting When in urgent need of financial assistance burn incense.
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