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Abre Melin thru Business

Abre Melin thru Business
From the most ancient times the legends of the uses of perfumes and oils- their powers for love, health, peace and prosperity have been passed down to us. The mystical and spiritual influence of fragrant oils is recognized and acknowledged without question. Occult and psychic oils are used to anoint the body as a perfume, for dressing candles, an additive to baths, to attract favorable planetry vibrations, blessing objects, to repel bad influences, in purifying rooms and many more purposes. Our special oils are formulated by Miss Anna Riva to vibrate toward a specific objective. Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Abre Melin thru Business Available in Quarter ounce, 4 ounce and 16 ounce sizes
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BLACK CAT Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BLACK CAT Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Anna Riva's Black Cat Oil is one of the luckiest of all scents. It is favored by gamblers. Anoint Black Cat Oil on the racing form or lottery ticket on each corner.

BLACK DEVIL Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BLACK DEVIL Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Anna Riva's Black Devil Oil is said to make impotent one who is unfaithful. Sprinkle a few drops of Black Devil Oil on the clothes of the unfaithful one while they are asleep.

BLACK PANTHER Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BLACK PANTHER Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


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Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Anna Riva's Black Panther Oil is a strong, powerful blend which bestows confidence on one's own abilities to those who use it as a daily perfume. Black Panther oil is a favorite among salesmen who need to be ag…

BLUE SONATA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BLUE SONATA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


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Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Anna Riva's Blue Sonata is a romantic scent suitable for personal use. It encourages admirers as it creates that special enticing aura.

BOSS FIX Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BOSS FIX Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


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Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Rub Anna Riva's Boss fix Oil on the boss' or supervisor's chair or sprinkle across the doorway of his or her office so that they walk over it. This is believed to cause the employer to look favorably upon one's…

BOUQUET ORIENTAL Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BOUQUET ORIENTAL Anna Riva Oil qtr oz



BREAKING UP Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BREAKING UP Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY When it becomes necessary to end a relationship this Anna Riva Breaking Up Oil can make the parting calmer and easier to bear.

BUDDHA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BUDDHA Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Anna Riva's Buddha Oil is believed to bring one into contact with the spiritual guidance of Buddha and to stimulate latent mystical powers when rubbed on the forehead.

BULLS Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BULLS Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY To increase one's strength to massive porportions, massage Anna Riva Bull's Oil on chest, thighs and forearms after the bath.

BUSINESS Anna Riva Oil qtr oz

BUSINESS Anna Riva Oil qtr oz


Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Increase traffic into your store by anointing the doorknobs and across the threshold at the entrance to the establishment with Anna Riva Business Oil. Do this daily before opening time.

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