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7 Sisters Spiritual Cermonial Anointing Oils

7 Sisters Spiritual Cermonial Anointing Oils
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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this oil to protect you and your family members. Recite Psalm 6: Dear Lord - Protector of souls - you alone know the evil dangers which threaten the hearts and minds of these loved ones. Look on us with mercy and guide…

SQUINT 7 Sisters Oil

SQUINT 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle It is alleged that if you put a small amount of Squint Oil on a mate's clothes, he or she will not wander.

ST. ANTHONY 7 Sisters Oil

ST. ANTHONY 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use St. Anthony Oil when you need assistance with a special FAVOR - St. Anthony is known as the Saint of Miracles! Saint of Help.

ST. JUDE 7 Sisters Oil

ST. JUDE 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use St. Jude Oil when you have a difficult case or problem. Put 5 drops on your candle or 10 drops in your bath water. Concentrate on your problem. Read 23rd Psalm daily.

ST. MICHAEL 7 Sisters Oil

ST. MICHAEL 7 Sisters Oil


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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Saint Michael Oil for courage, protection and deliverance from enemies.

STAY AT HOME 7 Sisters Oil

STAY AT HOME 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Put Stay At Home Oil on a wandering mate to keep him or her home. Also, great to put on your children's shoes to keep them at home.

STEADY WORK 7 Sisters Oil

STEADY WORK 7 Sisters Oil


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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear Steady Work Oil daily to keep your job steady and secure.

STOP EVIL 7 Sisters Oil

STOP EVIL 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to keep evil away. Sprinkle a few drops in your bath water. Read the 23rd Psalm and concentrate on your problem.

STRONG LOVE 7 Sisters Oil

STRONG LOVE 7 Sisters Oil


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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Strong Love Oil to bind you and your sweetheart together so that neither friend nor foe can drive you apart.

SUCCESS 7 Sisters Oil

SUCCESS 7 Sisters Oil


1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This will bring you success in all your endeavors, on your job, success with health and success with relationships.

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