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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is an all purpose mixture with 7 different powers: For love, money, luck, health, protection, power and success.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A very holy oil. Use this oil when taking your blessed baths using the 7 Holy Spirits Bath Oils
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Adam & Eve Oil is used by both sexes as a love oil to heighten passion and to bind lovers who have quarreled or grown apart.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A blend of oils suitable for consecrating implements, dressing candles, purifying rooms and enticing an advantageous atmosphere to any room in which it is used
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Oil is used to anoint your altar. Place oil in an open dish to lift the vibrations in your home or business,
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Should be worn when searching for a mate. For a lucky day sprinkle a few drops in your shoes
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1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle One of the black arts oils which creates discord, tension and havoc wherever it is used. Sprinkle on enemies, but not on yourself.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use oil to gain power for others to bend over to you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Better Business Oil to attract customers to your store, sprinkle on door sills and near the merchandise you wish to sell.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Anoint your hands with oil and place a drop in each corner of your bingo card.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To turn evil back to the one it came from.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle One of the luckiest scents. Sprinkle it at all entrances, doors and windows to the home so that negative entities will be unable to enter.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear Black Protection Oil on the neck and ankles as a guard against jinxes, curses and the evil eye.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Blessed Favor Oil to win back your lover, obtain money or a raise in pay.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Rub on the bosses or supervisor's chair, or sprinkle across the doorway of his or her office so that they are sure to walk over it. This is believed to cause the employer to look favorably upon one's work, often leading to…
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used for breaking up a man or woman or that certain situation that is bothering you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To free the home or business of sinister forces, sprinkle three drops of this oil at each of the entrances to the premises.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Clear away negative vibrations in your life.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used to make the one you love fall deeply in love with you. Also favorable as a lucky oil by those who gamble.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is an exciting scent for lovers only. Place 5 drops on each corner of the bed to excite the senses.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to attract sexual love. Very potent so use sparingly. Also, a wonderful drawing oil.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To get another person to do your bidding, rub some on the palms and touch the person to be commanded.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Get someone to do your every want.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used to get things done your way or to induce someone to pay you money that is owed.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To help you make the right decision on any matter. Put five drops of oil in warm bath and concentrate on your problem.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to confuse enemies by sprinkling a few drops in their path.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To gain power over others, write their names on parchment paper and place the paper beneath a purple candle.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To control a wayward lover.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle The use of this is believed to replace fear with fortitude, timidity with boldness, dread with daring and apprehension with determination. Truly a shy person's best friend!
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Ease your way through the justice system by wearing this as your perfume whenever you are consulting with attorneys or going into court before a judge or jury.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used to hex your enemies.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Get rid of those bad vibrations, conqueror your worst conditions and enemies.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Inspires romance and should only be worn when one seriously wishes to attract the one he or she is dating.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Destroy evil intentions towards you or your home.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle For self-control, self mastery and self confidence, one should wear this daily.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used by the shy to develop will power, determination and confidence. Use to dominate another person, to do as you please.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle It is held that the wearer of this will be empowered to confuse their enemies and to cause them bad luck and misfortune.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle An uncrossing oil used by those working on difficult cases. It is specially formulated to aid those stubborn, long-lasting conditions which have been hanging on for a long period of time.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A powerful force for bringing money, luck or love to the one who wears this as a perfume.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Hurtful and harmful vibrations will be swept away by the seductive fragrance when this oil is applied to the outside doorknobs of all entrances to the premises.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To bring you luck in a hurry, very good for those who play bingo or play the lottery.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This double action oil gives you luck in a hurry and lots of money to come your way.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is a favorite among sales people. Helps increase sales!
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Strengthens passion and desire between two people. Use before lovemaking to cause heightened sensitivity to both men and women.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use for winning law suits, court cases, gaining the upper hand in arguments or disputes and to entice others to follow your wishes and suggestions.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Make your boyfriend or husband follow you around, so they will always want to be with you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Make your girlfriend or wife follow you around, so that they will always want to be with you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use oil to remove Obstacles that may be blocking your way to accomplishing a set goal.
1/2oz. (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A must for all gamblers, place a drop or two in each palm and rub vigorously before gambling. To increase your winnings put a few drops on your hand or bingo card before the first number is called.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle When someone owes you money for rent, a gambling bet, or are past due on their loan to you, put some oil on your hands and touch that person who owes you. Works like a charm!
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Gain popularity by wearing this oil, makes you stand out in a crowd.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Believed to run all evil, and evil doers away.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear this oil daily so your days will be filled with lots of good luck!
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Anoint your purse with Has No Hanna Oil once a day and it is claimed you will never be without money. Worn on the body, it is reputed to keep your loved one close to you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle When you are feeling tired and weak place a few drops on your forehead and burn a blue candle, for a speedy recovery.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use when you are in a tight situation and need help fast. Should one have to appear in court, sprinkle on your hands before court and read verse 1- Psalm 121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my he…
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle One of the best occult oils for good luck power money drawing and conquering problems.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle The woman who lives with doubts of her loved one's fidelity may decide to employ the magnetizing qualities attributed to this enticing fragrance. Anoint a pink candle with the oil
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A sacred oil for blessing altars, candles and talismans. This will remove any negative vibrations you may have surrounding you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Place under the shoes, or in the path of an unwelcome neighbor who will soon become dissatisfied with their home and will decide to make their home elsewhere.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use oil to make your significant others love for you stronger.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Increase desire and passion in a relationship. It is a very magnetic love fragrance.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is believed to make the wearer very attractive and irresistible to the opposite sex.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Attraction, love and passion.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle If you think you have a jinx or spell on you, use this to kill the spell and bring forth good
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle For those in a crossed condition, rub on the temples every day until the situation has improved. Also if you have unwanted spirits in your house burn vesta powder to remove the spirits.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear oil to help you find a job or to keep the one you have. When seeking employment, place a Seal of Air and a lodestone in a red flannel bag and feed it weekly with magnetic sand. Anoint the bag daily with Job Oil until …
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Very good to use if you go to the race track.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Protect your person and property with this shielding scent. Sprinkle across all doorways and wipe window sills once a week.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this oil to keep evil spirits and the devil away from you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Keep evil spirits away and out of your home or business. It can also be worn on the body to ward off a jinx.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use oil to keep away troublesome people.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To draw prosperity to your business sprinkle King Solomon Oil in your doorways. Anoint the ten dollar bills in your cash register and by the end of the day those ten dollar bills will increase twenty fold.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle For good fortune to smile on your cards, numbers or horses, be sure the money you wage is rubbed with this oil before placing a bet.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Should the occasion arise when you do not want your home or automobile inspected by the police mix ten drops of oil into your regular wash.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is used to break another's marriage or affairs and should be applied to the clothing of both persons involved.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to draw love and affection towards you. Best when applied to the love centers- back of ears and the back of the neck.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this to add some spice to your marriage or relationship.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To be worn by both partners. This oil is believed to bond your love together so no one can come between.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle When lady luck seems to have moved out of your neighborhood, entice her back quickly. Anoint the entrances to the home and chant this: Hurry, good fortune, come this way Enter and stay awhile with me You are welcome, each …
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Nine drops in the bath should bring success if you are looking for a job.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Very good for luck in gambling. Use with a Lucky Hand Root and place in a green cloth bag for good luck.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Anoint your lottery tickets with Lucky Lottery Oil to increase your chances of winning.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle When you need a special favor or a wish to come true, quickly, rub on your temples and wrists.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is a formula which can activate inborn clairvoyant powers so that this gift can be developed to one's full potential.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear to magnetize others toward you. Dress lodestones with it or anoint John the Conqueror Roots to draw business and good luck.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle One of the most powerful spiritual oils. Put five drops in your bath water to keep away evil. Sprinkled on the body it is believed to attract friends. When looking for work rub on your palms.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Rub on the inside of your wallet each day and anoint the four corners of all bills in one's possession once a week. Recite this rhyme as you anoint your bills: Fruit in the cupboard, Bread in the house, Money in the pocket…
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this oil to keep your loved one faithful to you only.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Rub on your temples and let the sweet aroma relieve your aches and pains.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Attraction, love and affection.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Apply to your person or sprinkle about the home to bring quiet and tranquility into your life.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this oil in the home when there is always fighting and arguing going on. The oil will clear the home of all bad vibrations.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to have power over your enemies or power over your spouse. Wearing this oil you will have power over any situation.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This oil attracts and draws luck and success in business deals and in gambling. Anoint your lucky charms with it, wear oil as a perfume when discussing financial matters.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear on the neck and ankles as a guard against jinxes, curses and the evil eye.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear this oil to protect yourself from evil and envious people.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear for protection from harm and evil. Put on all four tires of your car to protect from theft.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Quick Money Oil when the need is urgent and your usual sources are not available. Take all the money in your possession and anoint the upper corners of each bill.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Radiant Health Oil to regain or maintain one's natural state of being, sound in body, mind and spirit.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is to be used when complete chaos seems to have surrounded you and there appears to be no solution to the problems with which you are faced. Turn evil back to the one who sent it. Put four drops on a reversible candle…
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Sprinkle it in all doorways and on windowsills so that evil spirits can not gain entry to your home or bussiness.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Satan Be Gone Oil to separate two people, couples, families or business partners. Put 3 drops on a breakup or separation candle.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle When applied to the wrists of two people it causes them to detach their emotions from each other, thereby permitting them to part with undue stress or strain.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Used by those who need money in a hurry. Anoint your bills and coins.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Helps to win the most difficult court cases when rubbed on the hands before going to the courtroom.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Special 20 Oil when you need someone to tell you the truth.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle St. Jude, the Saint of the impossible may come to your aid when all other efforts have failed, rub on the temples just before retiring.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle If you feel someone has you jinxed or hexed, use Spell Breaker Oil to remove it.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Spirit Oil is of great value when trying to contact beings from the other world living or dead. Mediums use it on wrist and forehead when attempting to see that which is beyond the human eyes ability.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use this oil to protect you and your family members. Recite Psalm 6: Dear Lord - Protector of souls - you alone know the evil dangers which threaten the hearts and minds of these loved ones. Look on us with mercy and guide…
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle It is alleged that if you put a small amount of Squint Oil on a mate's clothes, he or she will not wander.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use St. Anthony Oil when you need assistance with a special FAVOR - St. Anthony is known as the Saint of Miracles! Saint of Help.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use St. Jude Oil when you have a difficult case or problem. Put 5 drops on your candle or 10 drops in your bath water. Concentrate on your problem. Read 23rd Psalm daily.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Saint Michael Oil for courage, protection and deliverance from enemies.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Put Stay At Home Oil on a wandering mate to keep him or her home. Also, great to put on your children's shoes to keep them at home.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear Steady Work Oil daily to keep your job steady and secure.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use to keep evil away. Sprinkle a few drops in your bath water. Read the 23rd Psalm and concentrate on your problem.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Use Strong Love Oil to bind you and your sweetheart together so that neither friend nor foe can drive you apart.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This will bring you success in all your endeavors, on your job, success with health and success with relationships.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Brings customers your way and more cash into your business.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle To remove all types of hexes, curses and crossed conditions, add 9 drops to your bath water for nine consecutive days.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Anoint charms, seals, candles and talismans with Van Van Oil to increase their powers for you.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear as your daily perfume to be assured of protection from all sinister plots, fraudulent schemes, spiteful gossip or harmful tricks which may be planned by adversaries.
1/2 fl. oz. (14.7ml) Use 7 Sisters Vision Oil to increae your spiritual vision or to receive vision quests. Oils can be used to dress candles, on your skin and in many rituals
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle A Haitian crossing oil. To destroy an enemy's power, write the foe's name nine times on parchment paper. Anoint the paper with nine drops of Voodoo Oil.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Wear Wealthy Way Oil to attract money and financial gain when playing bingo or the lottery.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle Anoint your lottery tickets, racing selections and bingo cards with this potent gambling oil.
1/2oz (14.7ml) Glass Bottle This is a mixture of all astrological fragrances and is used as a perfume or in the bath water to attract favorable planetary vibrations at any time.
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