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Mudras, Yoga in Your Hands by Gertrude Hirschi
1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER 7 AFRICAN POWERS Item #72340 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Anna Riva's 7 African Powers Incense Powder is an all purpose mixture with 7 different powers: For love, money, luck, health, protection, …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER 7 GODS OF LUCK Item #73931 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A mixture directed to influence those patrons of good fortune and long life in Japanese mythology.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER 7 HOLY SPIRITS Item #72382 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To overcome fear and stop persecution from any outside influence, place beneath the burner seven pieces of parchment paper. On each piece, c…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ADAM & EVE Item #72300 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Write the names of two lovers' on parchment paper in Dove's Blood Ink and draw a heart around the names. Place beneath the incense burner to for…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER AFRICAN JU JU Item #72341 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To place a hex or jinx on another person, write the persons name on parchment paper and anoint each corner of the paper with Crossing Oil. Pl…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ALL PURPOSE Item #72252 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A basic formula concocted to lure generous benefits for those who use it weekly.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ALTAR Item #72103 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A holy incense formulated to attract holy spirits into the home or church where it is used.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ANGEL Item #72301 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Overcome hexes by burning this in the home once a week, preferably each Monday morning.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER APHRODITE Item #72104 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting If burned in the bedroom, it can protect unfaithful wives from their husband's discovery of their infidelity. To entice a friend to become more i…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ASTRAL TRAVEL Item #72550 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Generally used for its star-like qualities, one of its attributes is that of making dreams come true. Write your wish on parchment paper and …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ATTRACTION Item #70054 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A highly magnetic blend which attract love and entices good spirits.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BANISHING Item #72108 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn when you wish to expel an unwelcome visitor from your home.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BAT'S BLOOD Item #72302 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn while casting a banishing spell.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BEND OVER Item #72553 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn this potent incense to make others do your bidding and put them under your control.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BENEFICIAL DREAM Item #72304 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn in bedroom just before retiring so that the night will draw favorable influences and beneficial spirits which can help to make one's …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BETTER BUSINESS Item #72305 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting The aroma is said to encourage customers to want whatever merchandise that is being offered to them.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BLACK ARTS Item #70527 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Formulated to give complete domination over enemies to the user. Chant as you light the incense: Power to me, defeat the foe, Strength to me, su…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BLACK CAT Item #72352 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To gain good fortune, burn each morning.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BLACK POWER Item #72348 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting One of the strongest power blends available. It can be burned any time you need to increase strength, control or authority.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BLESSING Item #72306 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A great purifying agent used to make worthy the home or church. Repeat Psalm 145 as you light the incense.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER BREAK UP Item #72555 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn to breakup an unwanted relationship.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER CAST OFF EVIL Item #72112 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When one feels burdened with harmful, sinful or malicious influences, this can serve to expel these destructive powers. Burn daily.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER CLEOPATRA Item #70530 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A love scent which allegedly draws and attracts.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER COME TO ME Item #72307 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When visitors to the home are expected, make them welcome with the fragrance of this appealing scent and the equally inviting glow of a white ca…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER COMMANDING Item #70531 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn to gain control over the mind of another.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER CONTROLLING Item #70534 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When used with confidence in its power it gives the user the confidence to take charge of all situations.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER COURT CASE Item #72556 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn before attending court or consulting with attorneys to ease your way through the justice system.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER CROSSING Item #72280 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To place a curse upon one who has wronged you, burn crossing incense. For added power burn a black candle with the foes name written on parchment …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER CROWN OF SUCCESS Item #72201 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting If one wishes to bring success to any endeavor, burn this popular blend of incense.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DAMINATION Item #72310 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A crossing blend burned to hex someone who has done you wrong. Write the enemy's name on parchment paper with Dragon's Blood Ink. Around the edg…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DESIRE ME Item #72557 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Inspires romance and should only be burned when one seriously wishes to attract the one he or she is dating. Light before the one you desire come…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DO AS I SAY Item #72311 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting As the name suggests, use this when you wish others to obey your instructions, carry out your suggestions or change their minds to favor your p…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DOMINATION Item #70535 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Anna Riva's Domination Incense Powder to overpower another's objections to your plans. Make sure to burn while you present your intentions …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DOUBLE ACTION Item #72312 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting For a fast change in turning back bad luck and drawing good vibrations, burn this alongside a reversible candle.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DOVES BLOOD Item #72314 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Used to bring peace of mind, tranquility and happiness.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DRAGONS BLOOD Item #70536 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn for uncrossing, removing curses and hexes. It is reputedly successful when many other methods have failed. Burn before going to bed for …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DRAW BACK Item #72315 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Place the name of the one you wish to return beneath the burner and call their name nine times as you light the incense, chanting come back to me…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DRAWING Item #72316 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Use in the home once a week to promote peace and tranquility. To alleviate loneliness, burn this on the altar with white candles.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER DRIVE AWAY EVIL Item #76222 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Hurtful and harmful vibrations will be swept away by the seductive fragrance when this incense is burned in the home. For maximum strength …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER EXORCISM Item #76223 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Should someone seem to be possessed by the devil or evil spirits, a simple exorcising ritual is to burn this incense and have the affected person …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER FAST LUCK Item #70538 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Fast Luck incense when a streak of luck is needed in a hurry. To keep the home happy and fortunate, mix a few drops of Cinnamon Oil before b…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER FIRE OF LOVE Item #72210 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn to strengthen affection between two people. Great to burn during lovemaking to cause increased passions.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER FIRE OF PASSION Item #72317 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When interest has waned between two lovers, this can be burned whenever the two are together as it is formulated toward stimulating sexual …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER FRANKINCENSE Item #70277 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting One of the sacred incense, it is said to answer prayers and to gain favor with all good spirits.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH Item #73925 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting For those who fear they are possessed by demons, or that the devil has taken hold of their soul burn daily until you can see positive …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER GAMBLERS Item #72561 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn before gambling for a positive outcome.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER GET AWAY Item #72562 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Get Away Incense to discourage unwanted visitors to your home. For added power sprinke Get Away Sachet Powder on the front steps and across t…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER GOOD LUCK Item #76225 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Good Luck Incense when you are job hunting or attempting to borrow money.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HEALING Item #72355 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A very purifying and protective fragrance. Use it in the home once a week, preferably Sunday, to protect the entire family from all harm.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HELPING HAND Item #70051 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Assistance in all matters is believed to be an attribute of this popular incense and is especially favored by those involved in legal cases. B…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HEX BREAKER Item #72356 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Breaks any hex which may bind us when an unknown enemy has placed obstacles in our path.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR Item #70050 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When all else seems to fail High John the Conqueror Incense Powder can be burned for victory against any odds. A peaceful home is a…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HORN OF PLENTY Item #72227 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A cornucopia overflowing with an abundance of wealth and good fortune is the object of using this in the home once a week.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HOUSE BLESSING Item #72283 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn weekly, preferably each Sunday, to cleanse and purify the home as a protection against all unfortunate accidents and adverse conditions…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER HUMMINGBIRD Item #72564 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Hummingbird Incense to enrich your life and relationship so that your lover will want only you and your relationship will be forever hones…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER IRRESISTIBLE Item #76227 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A very strong love and attracting incense, believed to draw a man to a woman like a powerful magnet.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ISIS Item #72325 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting One of the strongest love fragrances, burn Isis when you are with your sweetheart to bind the two of you closer... a bond which cannot be broken.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER JINX REMOVING Item #70052 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn to remove hexes, nullify jinxes and repel harmful influences. It is reputedly a most powerful help for all crossed conditions.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER JOB Item #72567 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To help you find a job or to keep the one you have burn incense daily before going to or looking for work. When seeking employment, put natural lodesto…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER JUST JUDGE Item #72338 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting The scales of justice should sway in your direction if this is burned just before going to court, meetings with your attorney or when preparing …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER KEEP AWAY EVIL Item #76230B 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Turn away misfortune by using each morning upon rising.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER KING SOLOMON Item #72327 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn this incense when feelings of weakness, discouragement or failure come over you. To bring more money into the home, burn weekly preferabl…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LAW STAY AWAY Item #72572 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Tip the scales of justice in your favor and keep the law away. Put a few drops of Just Judge Oil on the incense, light and read the 23rd & 51…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LOTTERY Item #72231 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Place your ticket beneath the incense burner and use on the day the winning numbers are being selected.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LOVE BREAKER Item #72329 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A separating blend. Write the names of the ones you wish to divide on parchment paper, on one side of the paper and one on the reverse. Anoint…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LOVERS Item #70541 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Attract those of the opposite sex with this popular and highly magnetic blend. To keep a lover true, mix a few drops of Lovers Oil into the incense.…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LUCIFER Item #72067 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Destroy satanic forces wherever this is used. It works on evil quickly so use whenever there is a feeling of dark forces working against you.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LUCK IN A HURRY Item #72232 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When you are really anxious for the gods of good fortune to enter your life, burn this daily until the spirits of plenty have come.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LUCKY BINGO Item #72233 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn incense before playing. Pass your money you will be wagering over the fumes for favorable results.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LUCKY HAND Item #72360 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn before playing any card game. Mix incense with Fast Luck Incense and use before reading the racing form, picking a horse or buying a lotter…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER LUCKY SEVEN Item #70542 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Draws all that is needed for a happy and productive life- health, money, love, success, power, protection and knowledge.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MAGNET Item #70543 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Your personal efforts and drive added to the use of this blend's drawing powers, should bring a positive outcome to any plan you put into action. To…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MARRIAGE MIND Item #72330 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Ladies, light this and wear Passion Oil as your perfume if you are really ready for a trip down the aisle with that reluctant suitor.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MEDITATION Item #72331 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting This incense is used for spiritual work, during seances, prayer services and during counseling sessions. It is credited with increasing one's re…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MONEY DRAWING Item #70545 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Used as an aid in gaining wealth and increasing business. To bring more customers into your store, burn this near your cash register.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MONEY HOUSE BLESSING Item #72349 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting The family who uses this every Saturday should be always blessed with a bountiful table and a comfortable home.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER MYRRH Item #72333 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting As one of the holy scents, it is used in purification ceremonies by those who wish to rid themselves of guilt so they can move forward. Also can be b…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PEACE Item #70548 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Promotes harmony in the home and love within the family. Use to quiet tempers, dissolve tensions and calm nerves by mixing a few drops of Stay At Hom…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PEACEFUL HOME Item #72347 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn incense to bring harmony, peace and tranquility into your home.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER POWER Item #70549 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting This has many attributes- to increase wealth, bring good luck, offset hatred and to draw friends and affection.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PROSPERITY Item #73682 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Believed to attract blessings in all money affairs and business dealings. Burn whenever a change of luck is needed in financial matters. Bring c…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PROTECTION Item #70550 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Considered to be a shield from all harm when it is used daily. To gain confidence and revitalize one's life, mix a few drops of Rue Oil into the…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PSYCHIC POWER Item #72579 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn incense when communicating with spiritual beings or performing magical ceremonies.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER PURIFICATION Item #72580 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER QUICK MONEY Item #72635 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Write the amount of money you need and place the paper beneath the burner. Use daily until your needs are met.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER RADIANT HEALTH Item #72364 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Used to help improve one's condition.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER REVERSIBLE Item #72381 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Light the incense and carry the burner into every room in your home, leaving for at least 15 minutes in each so that all the premises will be pu…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER RUN DEVIL RUN Item #72238 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting A powerful formula combined of several fragrances which together can turn away evil, hexes and crossed conditions.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SANDALWOOD Item #70104 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Used as an aid to contemplation and deeper meditation. As a healing agent, burn it in the sickroom along with a prayer for recovery.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SATAN BE GONE Item #72286 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting One of the best hex breaking aids, it can be burned for uncrossing yourself or others.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SHI SHI Item #72287 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Said to draw money and overcome poverty, this may be very helpful to those who need a stroke of good fortune.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SPECIAL #20 Item #72586 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn this powerful incense for assistance when going through turmoil, sorrow or a crisis of any kind. The aroma is known to calm the nerves and…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SPELL BREAKER Item #72350 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Place a dish of incense on the table, light it and surround the burner with four white candles. Light the candles in this order- the one fart…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SPIRITUAL GOOD LUCK Item #70115 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Fortify one's morals by using this weekly.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SPIRITUAL POWER Item #72587 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn this incense in your home to protect you and your family members. Recite Psalm 6: "Dear Lord, Protector of souls, you alone know the e…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ST. JUDE Item #72288 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Use this incense when you have reached the end of your endurance and all other means have failed.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER ST. MICHAEL Item #72383 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting When tempted, light the incense and pray devoutly.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER STEADY WORK Item #72588 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Burn Steady Work Incense daily to keep your job steady and secure.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER SUCCESS Item #70551 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Defeat competition and overcome all obstacles in the path of success with use of this incense in the home or place of business. It is also an aid t…
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER UNCROSSING Item #70553 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Remove any hex or spell by using this very powerful blend. For best results burn simultaneously in every room of the house.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER VAN VAN Item #72344 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To conquer one who has made you suffer, burn this alongside a reversible candle. Dress the candle with Van Van Oil.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER VENUS Item #72291 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting The planet of Venus is related to the goddess of love. For a safe a pleasant trip, begin your journey on Friday and use incense in your room daily.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER VICTORY OVER EVIL Item #72637 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To be free from all enemies burn this each Sunday evening and pray sincerely Psalm 100.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER VISION Item #76232 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To help divine the future and foretell coming events, anoint the fore head with Vision Oil, burn incense and meditate quietly.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER VOODOO Item #70554 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting To bring distress to a foe, write the enemy's name on parchment paper and place beneath the burner.
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER WALL OF PROTECTION Item #72594 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER WEALTHY WAY Item #70556 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Bring blessings in money matters by writing the amount of money needed on parchment paper and place beneath the burner. If the amount is large …
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER WICCA Item #72119 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting
ANNA RIVA INCENSE POWDER WINNING NUMBER Item #72120 1 3/4oz (49g) Reclosable Jar Full Strength, Self Lighting Increase your chances of winning my burning this incense.
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