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Cooking Cauldrons

Cooking Cauldrons

Cast iron cauldrons, pots, Potjie Pots, Midi Pot, Mini Pot, cast iron, Bail type handle, no handles, Pot Belly Pots, cast iron potbelly with star,  cast iron Harry Potjie potbelly, optional lids, Outdoor cooking cauldrons, 3 leg bowl design pots, cast iron kettles, giant cast iron kettles.">

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1318 Warrior Pot

1318 Warrior Pot


1318 Warrior Pot Height: 4.5" * Width: 6.75" * Capacity: 28 oz * Weight: 4 lbs.

1320 Morter and Pestal

1320 Morter and Pestal


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A treasure for any gourmet, herbalist or adventurer., professional or tinkerer, this cast iron goodie is safe for food useage and will last for generations. Who needs a grinder when you have our Mortar & Pestle in your magical kitchen! Pestle also So…

1320a Pestal only

1320a Pestal only


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Pestle also Sold Separately.

1382 Size 3 Flat-Bottom

1382 Size 3 Flat-Bottom


The Size 3 Flat Bottom Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron. This size is getting into a larger cooking cauldron size and is used for everything from cooking whole chickens…

Cast Iron Cauldron size 20

Cast Iron Cauldron size 20


The Size 20 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron. Size 20s are used by unique restaurants and outdoor patio food service businesses and will feed very large groups a…

Cast Iron Cauldron size 25

Cast Iron Cauldron size 25


The Size 25 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron. Our largest size Potjie Pot and in heavy demand by outdoor patios, BBQ businesses, church groups and even for outdo…

Cast Iron Cauldron size 33

Cast Iron Cauldron size 33


Size 33 Gallon Giant Kettle Height: 25" Width: 27" Capacity: 33 Gallon Weight: 176 lbs Requires Truck Shipping Contact us for shipping quote.

Cast Iron Cauldron size 55

Cast Iron Cauldron size 55


Size 55 Gallon Giant Kettle Height: 28" Width: 31" Capacity: 45 Gallon Weight: 300 lbs Requires Truck Shipping Contact us for shipping quote.

Cast Iron Cauldron size 85

Cast Iron Cauldron size 85


Size 85 Gallon Giant Kettle Height: 31" Width" 35" Capacity: 85 Gallon Weight: 505 lbs Requires Truck Shipping Contact us for shipping quote.

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 1

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 1


The Size 1 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Potjie Size One is great for two large or four small servings of outdoor cooked stew, soup or baked smoked beans. Height: 9.5" - Width: 9.0" - Capacity…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 1/2

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 1/2


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The Size 1/2 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron. This size is good for individual larger food portions and burning incense and sacred white sage. Approx. 6.75" dia…

Cast Iron Cauldron, size 1/4

Cast Iron Cauldron, size 1/4


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The Size 1/4 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron. This pot size is used for individual soup or stew servings or even for burning incense and sage sticks. (be sur…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 10

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 10


The Size 10 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Size Ten Potjie is the most popular Size for large family groups. It has been used for everything from fish fries to jambalaya kettles to cajun stews.…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 14

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 14


The Size 14 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. This pot goes fast so pre-order if you want to make sure to get one of these. Height: 15.75" Width: 17.5" Capacity: 9 Gallon Weight: 70 lbs …

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 2

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 2


The Size 2 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Size Two is the most popular size for small camping cookfires for stews, meats or vegetables. It is large enough to also bake rolls or cornbread in too…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 3

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 3


The Size 3 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. A larger pot that will make enough soup, stew or beans for a larger group and these sizes have even been used for baking breads, cornbread and cinnamon…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 3/4

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 3/4


The Size 3/4 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Now we are getting to the cooking sizes. This is a good size for cooking beans or soup over a campfire for small servings. Height: 7.75" - Width: 8.7…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 4

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 4


The Size 4 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. This size is getting into a larger cooking cauldron size and is used for everything from cooking whole chickens to meat roasts. Used on the beach for f…

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 6

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 6


The Size 6 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. This is one of the most popular large kettle sizes, since it is large and yet light enough where it can be carried to a campsite. Height: 13.0" Width: …

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 8

Cast Iron Cauldron, Size 8


The Size 8 Potjie Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Size 8 Pots are getting up into the group cooking size pots.. Height: 14.0" Width: 15.5" Capacity: 4.75 Gallon Weight: 48 lbs

Dutch Oven 12 Quart

Dutch Oven 12 Quart


Dutch Oven 12 Quart C1451 Heavy gauge walls and well-fitted lid and carrying handle. This heavy cast iron pot will last forever and can be used on stovetops or outdoors over hot coals for the Dutch Oven cooking specialist. These Dutch Ovens are…

Dutch Oven 20 Quart

Dutch Oven 20 Quart


Dutch Oven 24 Quart C1454 Heavy gauge walls and well-fitted lid and carrying handle. This heavy cast iron pot will last forever and can be used on stovetops or outdoors over hot coals for the Dutch Oven cooking specialist. This is a super-sized…

Dutch Oven Oval Self-Basting Roaster

Dutch Oven Oval Self-Basting Roaster


Oval Self-Basting Roaster C1460 Oval Self-Basting Roaster Height: 8" Length: 16" Width: 12" Weight: 26lbs Capacity: 10 Quarts Heavy gauge walls and well-fitted lid and double handles for carrying and a self-basting underside to the lid …

Garlic Pot

Garlic Pot


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A very heavy ritual pot with square handles and well-fitted lid. This pot has a very wide mouth and three legs. The cauldron of choice for filling with sand for Native American sage and cedar smudging. 26 Ounces 4.0" Height - 6.0" Width - 5 lb…

Size 1 Flat-Bottom

Size 1 Flat-Bottom


The Size 1 Flat Bottom Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. Now we are getting to the cooking sizes. This is a good size for cooking beans or soup over a campfire for small servings. Holds 5 quarts - 5.5" H…

Size 1/2 Flat-Bottom

Size 1/2 Flat-Bottom


The Size 1/2 Flat Bottom Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Made from pure gray cast iron. This pot size is used for individual soup or stew servings or even for burning incense and sage sticks. Holds 2 quarts - 4.5" Height - 7.5" Widt…

Size 2 Flat-Bottom

Size 2 Flat-Bottom


The Size 2 Flat Bottom Pot includes well-fitted lid and carrying handle. Pre-seasoned with flaxseed oil and made from pure gray cast iron.A larger pot that will make enough soup, stew or beans for a larger group and these sizes have even been used fo…

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